Strictly speaking in the UK, an architect is someone who is a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).
As Builders in East Sussex we see drawings from a number of sources.
1. RIBA members are the gold standard in the UK.
2. The Royal Institute of Charted Surveyors (RICS) are also a well respected body of professionals who produce building designs.
3. For small projects such as domestic extensions there are a whole raft of other designers with various qualifacations, or sometimes just relavent
experience, often small one man band businesses that can offer better value for simple jobs.
Who should I choose for my design work?
The answer to that will depend on a couple of factors
1. Your budget
2. The complexity of the project
3. The level of design detail you want
What if my project is really simple and doesn't need planning permission?
As professional Builders, we will still need a set of plans, and a specification to work to. This will ensure you are happy with the finished project. If you are unsure who to engage for your design work, we can advise you on the best route for your project. Get in touch at